Yeongjin Kim
Assistant Professor
학부 연구생, 석사과정, 및 박사과정 학생 상시 모집중에 있습니다. (
We are currently looking for highly motivated graduate students (MS, PhD) and postdoctoral researchers to join our research group. Please send a full CV via email to (
Post-Doctoral position in Robotics
Post-Doctoral position in Robotics is available immediately for a collaborative project (developing hand prosthetics, drone)between KEPCO, POSCO, and Cha hospital.
Candidate must have expertise in Robotics or coding (deep-learing preferred) to apply.
Application package: Interested candidate should submit the following by email in a single PDF file to Prof. Kim (
Curriculum vitae with a list of at least 2 references
At least three papers which could be either published, accepted for publication, or in-preparation, which demonstrates expertise in the areas mentioned above
Relevant courses taken during Ph.D. studies
Doctoral dissertation topic and the expected date of graduation (for those who are currently pursuing a Ph.D.)
For more information about the research tab
Salary will be 3,000,000 krw ~ 4,000,000 depending on the experience.
you can upload you C.V.
Construction and building materials paper accepted
k-UAM confex 와 2022 기계학회에 참석했습니다.
스타트업 패스파인더 우수상 선정 We won a excellence award in Start-up Pathfinder Contest
한전 우수과제 10선으로 선정되었습니다.
Characterization of Circumference and Internal Pressure of a Penis by Using Stretchable Capacitive Sensors and a Penis Dummy for Diagnosing Erectile Dysfunction 논문이 편집장 우수논문으로 선정되었습니다.
Development of a variable stiffness modulating mechanism based on phase-change material and a temperature control system 논문이 편집장 우수논문으로 선정되었습니다.
Contraturation, Dr. Le Quang Ngoc
We won a silver medal in Silver medal in Splash Hackathon contest
We are in incubation membership in Shinhan Bridge Incheon (2022.05~)
Alumni update (Jul - 12 - 2021)
Yejin - Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Daeyun -University of Florida
hyerim - Kitech / INU
Paper Publication (2022)
Rigidity characterization of inflatable material by using dual stretchable capacitive sensors for erectile dysfunction, IJPEM (co-corresponding author)
Development of a variable stiffness modulating mechanism based on phase-change material and a temperature control system, IJPEM (co-corresponding author)
IEEE RA-L published
특허 등록 2건